日本黄色卷发球 / 日本神奇草莓卷发球--6粒1包
价格: RM12
1. 先將頭髮分成頂部區,瀏海區,左側兩區及右側兩區共六區。(區域可依個人頭髮長短及多寡增減)
2. 將各區頭髮盤起,只留下欲上捲的區域。
3. 將上捲的區域頭髮打溼至6分溼或上少許造型品。
4. 取些許髮量後距髮跟三分之一處,以海綿捲髮球在下 頭髮在上方式,將頭髮順時針捲入拉緊即可固定。
5. 依序將各區頭髮以相同方式上捲,待完成後即可上床睡覺囉。
6. 拆捲時請依反方向慢慢拆下即可。第二天早上塗上造型產品或直接散開就可以美美的出門囉~
2.(30分速型法):先噴極少量的水or定形產品再捲、全部捲好後用吹風機弱的熱風吹個15~20分左右、吹的時間視個人髮質而定、要吹之前建議先噴一點抗熱產品才不會傷髮質喔! 拆捲後記得再噴一點點定型液維持捲度。
Magic Sponge Balls Hair Curler (Yellow / Strawberries) -- 6 in a pack
Price : RM12
As long as to provoke a twist tied, winding along the sponge of the depression, and then flow down the hair growth at the next volume, convenient and time-saving design, hair volume are all soft, wearing sleep would not hurt up the next morning there is a beautiful curly hair.
Features: Simple, easy, shape-degree stronger and will not damage your hair!
1. First at the top of the hair is divided into areas, fringe area on the left and the right of the two districts, a total of six.
2. First plate from the district hair, leaving only want to roll region.
3. Will be on the volume of regional hair wet or half wet on a little styling product.
4. Take a little hair from the hair with 1/3 parts to serve in the next sponge roll hair in the way the hair can be fixed tensioner clockwise involved.
5. Sequentially to each district in the same way on the hair volume, when completed you can go to bed.The next morning, there is the beautiful curls up.
6. Demolition volume according to the opposite direction when you can be slowly removed.